Our Course Tutors are all highly qualified and experienced teacher trainers.
Minimum qualifications include:
- Diploma in TEFL
- MA in Applied Linguistics/TEFL
Minimum Experience:
All tutors have at least 10 years TEFL teaching experience and training.
We have 2 venues:
- University College London
An excellent central London location offering students on the TEFL
courses the facilities of the University. Limited accommodation is
available in University halls on courses taking place outside term time.
- Arundel, West Sussex
A conference centre in beautiful Arundel situated 15 miles from Brighton
and 10 miles from Chichester. London is 1hr 20 minutes by direct train
link to Victoria. Gatwick is 45 minutes away. Combine your course with
a visit to this historic town with its castle, cathedral and abundance of
picturesque places. Accommodation is available at the conference
centre if you require.
Jobs and After Course Care
We have trained many students who have gone abroad to teach English in
different parts of the world. There is an after course service available to help
you find employment overseas.
We also operate an online help desk for new teachers. You can email us
regarding your teaching experiences, course materials and questions.
International English
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1903 889797
PO Box 50, Arundel
West Sussex BN18 9HL